FAQ – Pro Global
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Frequently Asked Questions

Some help and advice for submitting your application

To see what vacancies we have available follow this link, when you see a role you would like to apply to, just click ‘apply now’ on the vacancy: Pro Global (current-vacancies.com)

We will endeavour to get back to you within 1-2 weeks of your original application.

Following your application you will be contacted by the recruitment team. Each vacancy may slightly vary; however you would be likely to have a telephone interview, followed by a face to face interview with someone from HR and someone from the business

If you need to get in contact with the Recruitment Team, please email careers@pro-global.com

We are a welcoming company and encourage growth and development in individuals. We have around 450 people globally with people who joined us straight from school and people who have been with us for over 20 years.

Yes, we always welcome our employees to apply to internal jobs and move within the business.

We have UK offices in Gloucester, Glasgow, central London, Horsham and Liverpool.

We are a global company with offices in the USA, Europe and Latin America.